Monday, May 16, 2011


Original World- Thor is in his world and is a happy camper. He beats the crap out of bad guys and is preparing to come King.

Call to Adventure- When the frost giants attack His kingdom he is ready to go into the heart of the Frost land, without hesitation.

Refusal- He refuses to listen to his father and goes and attacks anyways, for this he is banished to Earth without his powers.

Mentor- The scientist lady, she helps him learn reason and that things can be solved other than just fighting

Threshold- Thor is sent to Earth until he is ready to fix his ways.

Tests, Allies, Enemies- This is where Thor finds out who is friends are and are not. He discovers that his own brother has turned against him with trickery. He still has his same old friends and finds a new ally, the scientist.

Approach- Thor breaks into the compound where is weapon is being held.(Fly's back to Odinhimer to fight his brother and save his home.)

Ordeal-Thor cannot take his weapon because he is still not ready to have the power again.(another ordeal, he fights his brother because they have different views of being right and his brothers, Loki's is wrong. They fight to control what there idea to run the kingdom is)

Reward- Thor learns of love and respect for others, and that fighting is not always the answer.

Resurrection- Thor is returned home and made king.

Return with the Elixir- Thor dreams of seeing the scientist, who he has fallen in love with back on Earth.The bridge between the realms have been destroyed and he watches over her as she works to rebuild that bridge.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ordinary World

This is a story about a special man named. Ron Don. Ron Don is a 24 year old x-navy seal who had to quit after recieving a bullet to his shoulder. Now he is just one of your ordinary middle class working heroes. He never feels like he would ever fight agian and lives in a small town in the middle of Nebraska He likes the quiet, peaceful home he has now. Every now and then he hears whispers inside his head daring him to go back to his old life, his fun and exciting life. Escalation rises between the U.S. and Russia and its spurs thoughts of enlisting again.

Shake the Dust

This is for gamers, the nerds and the geeks. This is for the athletes, the wanna be's and the dreamers. Shake the dust. This is for doctors, the scholars and the philosophers. This is for the work-a-holics, the boring, and the lame. Shake the dust. Do something other that what you always do in your life. Go on an adventure, unlock that locked door, let go and let life grab you and take you for a ride. Dont settle for what you got till you got the best and dont care about the rest. Climb to the top... of a mountain, of a chair, of your mind. Take control and show the world who you are.

For Ghandi

I keep forgetting to live, to be free. I still wonder what will happen tomorrow and what i did yesterday. When will we be ourselves completly? Ill never know until i know. Which day will be our last because I havnt forgotten which will be my first. I keep forgetting to let go. To my past, what I did and didnt do, what I said and what I wish I did. But for now I know, tonight is not the last time ill see the light. And so I move on.

those six special words

Lost all thought, then gained inspiration.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Story Within...

The first song I listened to was Sing for the Moment by Eminem. The characters are Eminem and the world basically. He talks about how the world is against him and his fame for his music. The theme to me, is that we have free agency and we have our right to that. He talks about everyone hating rap but he loves it, and he is hated by everyone for that. the setting is all over, the court room, his home, the stage, the streets, all over. The conflict is the young generation liking rap compared to the old generation hating it because they believe it is bad and brings no good.

The second song I listened to was All summer long by Kid rock. Its about him talking back in the day when he would just chill. It takes place on lake Michgian and partying "All summer long". The theme is live life like there is no tomorrow because all the song talks about is smoking, drinking, chilling on the lake and girls. Can there be a better theme than that? haha The characters are him and his friends. The conflict would be living in the moment vs. worrying about tomorrow.  Well those are the 2 songs I listened too! tight!

Sunday, March 27, 2011



Bravery runs in my family

This is one of my favorite poems because it is so simple but yet so stunning and deep and funny. This is a very short poem but that doesnt effect the fact that it has a lot of meaning. At first I was confused and just htought it was a dumb short poem but then after the second and third time reading it, it just made me smile and feel jealous of the poet that was brilliant enough to come up with this.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Whats the deal with poetry?

I'm tired of... the rhythm, the perfectionism, the part if your not old dead and white, that your poems wont be in the books for everyone else to study. I think some of the best poetry comes from the unkown writers, who write from experience, from story, from life. I sometimes find their poems to be better. Problem is no one will really care because they are not as famous and no one will take the time to read a poem from a no body. Who cares if some kid from Harlem writes a poem that rivals Frosts, no one will know because no one cares. That, right there, is my problem with poetry. Much of the world has given up on poetry and that is what hurts me and the poet community the most. Why would they continue to write if most the world has given up on them. Why would they continue to try to inspire us when no one cares? This is what is wrong with poems. We are letting it die and I am tired of it.


Love is the warm sun on your face. Love is a ghost that never leaves you. Love is an apple about to fall. Love is that action figure waiting to be played with. Love is feeling of winning. Love is a good nights rest. Love is stepping off a cliff with your eyes closed. Love is discovering new things. Love is recieving a gift. Love is getting breakfest in bed. Love is a nightmare with a happy ending. Love is a fairy tale. Love is a bottle of hand sanatizer. Love is lamp. Love is desk... haha Love is a double rainbow. Love is opening your eyes for the first time. Love is getting in a car crash and bein forgiven. Love is a green stop sign.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Eye In The Sky

I am that eye in the sky. I see all. I am all. I see the honesty, the hardworking class, the beggers whose lives have taken a turn for the worst. I see the corruption, the evil, the gangs, the violince. Though Through it all I see hope. I see the kid who writes up lyrics not knowing that one day he will be famous. I see the rose that grew through concrete, against all odds it rose above. I see the family trying so hard to make ends meet. I see the girl singing in her shower, and next thing she knows she is singing in front of thousands of people. I see the kid spending every minute working towards his education, knowing that its up to him to get somewhere in life. I see all. I am the eye in the sky.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

I walk alone, I walk alone on this boulevard of broken dreams. I see the people I've let down, my coaches, my family, my friends. I see the things I should of done, the people I should of helped. I see my goal of taking state slipping through my hands. Saying goodbye to my grandpa one last time. Telling that girl that I like her. I see my life long goal of doing better in school... getting that 4.0 just once slipping away. Getting my certifications to get a good job right out of high school... wasted my time doing other stuff and not accomplishing that. Pushing my self in sports, I gave up on that and just wasted my time doing stupid stuff. Being good at basketball like my dad wanted me too, I gave up on that and have regretted it ever since. So I still walk alone, walk alone on my Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'm Thinking About You

Im thinking about you.

Im thinking about you like butter thinks about popcorn.

Im thinking about you like colors think of rainbows.

Im thinking about you like sunglasses think of the sun.

Im thinking about you like dictionaries think of definitions.

Im thinking about you like the solar system things of pluto.

Im thinking about you like girls think about clothes.

Im thinking about you like steak thinks of salt.

Im thinking about you like grass thinks of mulch.

Im thinking about you like cars think of gas.

Im thinking about you.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Direct Orders

 You have been given direct orders to rock out. Rock out like its your birthday. Rock out like you just found a roll of toilet paper when you thought you were out. Rock out like you just had your first kiss. Rock out like you got a brand new car. Rock out like you won the superbowl. Rock out like you never have to work again. Rock out like today is your last day alive. Rock out like you just won the lottery. Rock out like you just grew wings and now you can fly. Rock out like you just got paid. Rock out like theres no tomorrow. Rock out like its the only thing to do. Rock out like your life depends on it. Rock out till you can rock no more. Rock out like aliens are coming down to destroy earth and you find a secret alien ship and destroy them all and are Americas hero.

Monday, January 24, 2011

My addres to the world

I am here, I am there, some say I am everywhere. I am high, I am low, I am near, I am far. I am the sky. I am a bird, I fly, the sky is my limit. I am a tree that never stops growing. Count my rings they never stop. I dont know where im going or what I will do all I know is that we are who? I am whoever I choose my self to be